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Matrix Modifiers SCP

Cikkszám: SCP - Matrix Modifiers

Termékfelelős: Dr. Kárpáti Péter 

Mobil: 06-30/486-7255     

E- mail: karpati.peter@labex.hu

Leírás és Paraméterek

Matrix Modifiers allow the optimization of analytical conditions to provide better GFAA instrument response and better detection limits. All commonly used products are available in addition to custom formulations.

 Prepared from 99.999% pure starting materials
    -  Low level of metallic impurities in the final solution

• Custom formulations available
    -  Designed for your specific application

 Complete Certificate of Analysis listing the actual concentration and the level of metallic impurities
    -  Complete documentation for audit purposes

• Matrix Modifier Flyer (PDF, 60KB)

The whole range